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Food Will Win the War-Food Will Win the War

Band Name: Food Will Win the War

Album Name: Food Will Win the War

Best Element: Quirky acoustic fun

Genre: Accoustic, Folk


Label Name: N/A

Band E-mail:

Food Will Win the War’s debut album is a genuine pleasure. It’s Jim Croce meets Mates of State with a tad bit of Dylan thrown in. In short, it’s glorious.

“Amassed Complications” is an excellent start to an excellent album. The riff at the beginning is catchy; I like the organ sounds and the harmonies work well too. The best part is this: the album doesn’t deviate from this formula. The whole album is this good.

“Dark Mono 3” is so much of an earworm that it should be illegal. Brian Skerratt lays down a rockin baseline to begin the song, then Rob Ward jumps in on viola, followed closely by Dara Matthews on piano. Instrumentally this track is great; all the musicians involved are at the top of their game. Matthews’ vocals are world-class, and the harmony between her and Ward is tight—this harmony adds a lot to the song. This song is a treasure.

“Speedy Nico” is a noteworthy track on this album as well. Rob Ward is excellent on both guitar and lyrics and I can’t say enough how catchy it turns out. This song reminds me of Bob Dylan’s “Hurricane” with more organ.

“Turnpike” is a great song as well. The vocals aren’t amazing in spots, but they’re almost endearing. Think Phoebe Buffet from “Friends.” This is band that is having a good time, and that enthusiasm carries over to the audience, more than making up for the vocals. Again, Matthews shines on keyboards.

“Take You” is a fun folk romp that really ought to leave you tapping your toes. In fact, if it doesn’t, I would suggest that you seek professional help.

This is an excellent first release—I expect to see this band do quite well in the future.

-Brian Burns
