Luna Shadows’ clip for “Cherry” is as aesthetically gorgeous as videos get, with lush colors and carefully-employed effects playing around actors/dancers standing stock-still. (It takes a dancer to be as still as they get.) Call it the mannequin challenge or whatever, but the video’s body and resolution are magnificent, no matter the trend.
This clip has a mysterious, forest/magic/dryads feel that culminates in beautiful modern dancing. I’m pretty sure there’s a metaphor in here (especially due to the color themes going on), but I’m going to let it stay mysterious, enigmatic, and wild.
Eric Frisch’s “The Light Ahead” reminds me of the very first OK GO video, which is extremely good video company to be in. The chipper indie-pop tune only helps.
Who can resist tiny instruments? SHEL warms hearts (teeny ones and big ones) with their Christmasy joy here.
Anyone who’s spent some time in an old-fashioned bowling alley (no computers, just paper and pencil scoring) will have affection for this video and its dreamy, surrealistic celebration of spaces that persist despite the passing of time.
I’m not sure what’s happening in Aircrafting’s “Temecula” video, but it keeps me wanting to know through the whole night-shot piece.
Your song and environs have to be extraordinary to get me interested in an on-location live video, but Galapaghost hits both conditions in this version of “Salt Lake City.”