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Culture Killers-Culture Killers EP

Culture Killers – Culture Killers EP

Delvue Records

‘80s rock attitude and rockin’ grooves keep this band rolling.

This foursome from Los Angeles, California, has their following and press convinced they know what rock is. I don’t disagree, but at the same rate, I wouldn’t compare them to Queen, Guns ‘N Roses and Van Halen, as their press does. Granted, their first public appearance was on Playboy TV on a show called Night Calls; but they’re still not worthy of being compared to some of the best rock bands to come out of the ‘80s.

Culture Killers’ sound is loud and intense with the appropriate melodic lines and guitar rhythms that are needed for the rock genre. Also prevalent on this EP are the desired guitar solos and half minute intros almost every 80’s rock song has (memorable guitar solos: “Gone Hollywood,” “Something Missing”).

To make an 80’s rock band, you also need an 80’s rock voice to compliment the guitar. Lead singer David George has the raspy, harsh yet almost smooth voice that is capable of singing during mellow points and screaming when the music calls for it. George definitely has the typical “rock” voice. The band provides respectable transitions between the two concepts of sedated and forceful music.

My basic problem, as with all music, is that it tends to get repetitive in the chorus lines, especially in “Gone Hollywood.” The main line of the song is, “Hey yeah/we’re living in a dream land/riding high on the whiskey and the cocaine.” That line is repeated more than just several times. Yeah, I get it; it’s LA where there are loads of parties. The thing that keeps these guys rolling in my book is that they are consistent with an upbeat groove and ‘80s rock attitude. That and the drummer and bassist, Johnny G and Johnny Tokes, hail from Philadelphia, PA; my side of town.

Emily Robinson