So much of what makes it out of Scandinavia is just beautiful. Swedish musician Andrea Caccese‘s Icarus Falling/Set the World on Fire EP falls neatly in that description.
He makes gentle, stark acoustic tracks that are just gorgeous. “Set the World on Fire” is a slowly picked acoustic tune with a cello swooning throughout. Caccese’s surprisingly solid vocals follow the direction of the instruments, creating a mesmerizing piece that is perfect to fall asleep to (if you can fall asleep in just under three minutes).
But if you hadn’t fallen asleep yet, the delicate “Playing With Ghosts” gives you two extra minutes of toy piano, reverb and atmosphere. It’s not a “song” in the pure sense of the word; it’s a two minute mood experiment. It’s like a deep breath of fresh air. It just feels right.
The one slip-up here is the end of “Stars and Satellites,” which transforms from a Bon Iver/Damien Jurado depresso-folk tune into a screeching wail with an electric guitar rush. It horribly clashes with the rest of the song, and the rest of the album. I wish I could edit the distortion out of the song, actually; the rest of the tune is a highlight on the album.
But other than that one slip-up, Andrea Caccese’s debut four-song EP is a gorgeous stunner. I’m hungrily looking forward to his next release. You can stream and download the EP for free here.