Hiring? Why, Yes!!
The Independent Clauses is currently looking for writers. We need a CD reviewer (reviews CDs for us), a singles reviewer (someone who can listen to music online and give songs a quick review), a columnist (someone with a knowledge of music, an interesting take on things, and lots of ideas), and as many concert reviewers as possible (goes to local concerts all the time and reviews them). All of these positions are unpaid, but pretty much everyone ends up with free music, and the experience looks real nice on a resume. If you are interested, please read the IC Constitution below, then send a music-related sample of your writing to IndependentClauses@hotmail.com. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
IC Constitution
The goal of Independent Clauses Music Magazine is to be the best independent music monthly magazine there is. We will accomplish this through the accomplishment of these day-to-day goals:
We want to provide coverage to bands that are little-covered or have never been covered before, and give them the same professionalism, courtesy, and interest that we would give to our favorite bands.
We want to provide coverage to as many bands as possible.
In bad reviews, we want to show at least one good trait about a band, if possible. If this is not possible, we will not review their CD, out of courtesy to the band.
We strive to have a creative take on anything we do, whether it be challenging interview questions, interesting story ideas, unique editorials, or thorough CD reviews.
We want to spread the news about these bands to as many people as possible. At the moment, we are a website- but this is a magazine. It will be treated as a monthly magazine.
Just as this website is treated like a monthly magazine, the writers will be treated like magazine writers. They will be entrusted with material to review in the trust that they will give a full review to each band and turn that review in on time. If there is a problem, it will be noted in advance, or as it comes up.
We don’t want to give lip service to the bands that have already been ‘discovered’- no Modest Mouse CD reviews, no Broken Social Scene articles, no editorials comparing the Toronto scene to the Chicago scene (unless you’ve experienced –first-hand- the scene in both places).
We want to be honest, courteous, and prompt in our contact with labels, bands, and other people who the IC comes into contact with, whether they be in person, by e-mail, or via phone.
The ultimate goal of Independent Clauses is to become an established, self-supporting, profit-turning monthly print magazine with a dedicated readership interested in discovering the music that isn’t talked about in mainstream channels. This can only be accomplished through hard work, responsibility, and love for independent music. We strive to employ people who have those traits.