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Band Name: Object

Album Name: S/T
Best element:  Retro-grunge type sound
Genre: Grunge/Rock

Label name: None
Band e-mail: None

No cover art

Object is a band with potential in a unique way: should there ever be a band to remake Nirvana’s [u]Bleach[/u] album and bring on a grunge revival, Object would be the one- they have that retro, grunge rock sound down pat. Thankfully, they’ve gone above and beyond the traditional grunge sound, placing themselves in a unique niche of the genre. Yes, Object chose to follow in the footsteps of Local H, doing away with the bass guitar and featuring only a singer/guitarist and a drummer. This aesthetic contributes to Object’s aggressive sound, as well as the use of heavy electronic distortion on both guitars and vocals.

Unfortunately, at this point in time, Object proves that Local H is the only band who can pull off the duo act. The low production quality of the CD makes it hard to listen to in general, but on top of that, their music sounds flat, their singer’s voice sounds flat, and there really isn’t anything to grab the listener’s attention.

In the future, Object may become a force to be reckoned with. They are talented in their ability to bring back the grunge sound, but the rough production quality of this demo makes it hard for their true talent to shine through.

-Andrea Goodwin